Istec offers full-service turnaround support for disassembling, maintaining, replacing and validating advanced monitoring and protection systems for speed and vibration applications.
Why Istec?
The work is carried out by a single team of dedicated experts, which ensures the correct and accurate operation of the system within the turnaround planning. The expertise of Istec increases the safety and availability of rotating machines, while relieving on-site employees. Because of our brand-independent working method, it is no longer necessary to involve different parties for installing and configuring these advanced systems. This provides a more structured turnaround process, which reduces downtime.
ATEX compliance
Istec performs ATEX compliance scans before starting a turnaround. During such a scan, deficiencies regarding cabling, cable connections, junction boxes, instrumentation and installation methods are addressed. Situations inconsistent with ATEX guidelines are registered and added to an action plan. These defects can be corrected during the turnaround.
SIL proof tests
To validate a monitoring system, SIL proof tests must in many cases be performed. Istec performs these proof tests with its own simulation equipment for both speed and vibration systems. In the case of a full-proof test, in which the entire loop is tested, this is performed during a turnaround.
Sensors and systems
The specialists at Istec test and verify sensors and systems during a turnaround. Sensors and cabling are inspected and defects are corrected immediately if possible. Where necessary, sensors are calibrated, mounted and adjusted, after which the system can be validated. All findings and activities are accurately documented. This documentation forms the basis for the following turnarounds.
Project management
Istec carries out its duties independently. The project manager of Istec supervises the progress of the activities during the turnaround project, whereby planning and budget monitoring are actively communicated with the project management. The activities discussed in advance are performed on inventoried sensors and systems. Our specialists provide detailed documentation in which all activities and related advice are processed.