Snelheid meet-, schakel- en aanwijsinstrument - Jaquet T400

Jaquet T401/ T402 – Tachometer

Note: The T401 & T402 have been declared obsolete and are no longer available; the SpeedSys T10 offers a functional replacement.

Note: The T411 & T412 (display units) have been declared obsolete and are no longer available; the SpeedSys T11 offers a functional replacement.


The Jaquet T401/T402 single channel tachometer speed switch is part of the T400 series for speed measurement, switching and indicating. The T401 converts absolute speed into an analog signal and has a measuring range between 0-1 Hz and 0-35 kHz. It includes 2 limits (A/B) with programmable hysteresis and one changeover relay. The adaptive trigger provides high noise immunity for use with e.g. electromagnetic sensors. The T401/T402 can be configured via the included Windows® software.

This tachometer is also available with a display (type T411).

Similar product

Serial numbers

383Z-05307 (T401.00)
383Z-05308 (T402.00)
383Z-05318 (T411.00)
383Z-05319 (T412.00)
383Z-05595 (T411.03)
383Z-05596 (T412.03)


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brochure Jaquet – Company Brochure
brochure Jaquet – Speed / Overspeed Brochure
datasheet Jaquet T-401 – Product Sheet
software Jaquet T-400 series V1.16 – Configuration software
software Jaquet T-400 series V1.18 – Configuration software

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