Differential pressure transmitter – DE25
The differential pressure transmitter type DE25 from Fischer has a 3-wire electrical interface. The DE25 is highly suitable for precise measurements of positive or negative atmospheric pressure and differential pressure of gases and air.
Fischer’s DE25 uses a piezoelectric sensor and can measure both positive and negative atmospheric pressure as well as differential pressure. Pressure is transmitted to the sensor through a very thin silicone membrane. A change in pressure causes a change in resistance over the piezo element. This value is sent by the microchip in the DE25 to a D/A converter for a 4-20 mA output.
The sensor’s range is from 0..4 mbar to 0..100 mbar and -2.5..2.5 to -60..60 mbar.
In brief:
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datasheet | Fischer DE25 – Product Sheet | |
manual | Fischer DE25 – Instruction Manual | |
brochure | Fischer – Energy management brochure |