Condition Monitoring of rotating machines

Condition Monitoring is the continuous monitoring of rotating machines during process conditions. This ensures the optimal use of machines. Condition Monitoring supports predictive maintenance, which is more efficient than preventive maintenance. Condition Monitoring provides insight in performance, wear and mechanical risks of machines. This helps to prevent unnecessary and unplanned downtime.


The procedure Istec International uses for Condition Monitoring is based on our expertise in the field of vibration measurements. A measurement system is drawn, from which periodic measurement data can be collected. This data is used to make a spectrum analysis and a trend analysis. These analyses jointly identify excessive damage or wear.

Types of Condition Monitoring

Online Condition Monitoring is the continuous monitoring of machines or production processes. The Online Condition Monitoring analysis system will generate data on the most critical moments of the machine. During startup and shutdown of the installation, data is collected on critical speeds and changing spindle positions.

Periodic Condition Monitoring gives insight into changing vibration behavior of installations. A trend analysis is drawn by performing vibration measurements with a fixed interval. The trend analysis shows the cause of the changing vibrations, followed by specialist advice on predictive measures.

Remote Condition Monitoring gives the opportunity to analyse data at a distance. The remote reading of measurement data enables measurements and analyses to be performed without bothering your organisation and without unnecessary travel time.

Why Condition Monitoring?

Condition Monitoring has several advantages. Besides mapping damage or wear, Condition Monitoring enables the possibility to plan ahead. As a result, turbines or gearboxes can be optimally used. Condition Monitoring shows the exact lifetime of an installation and when it is in need of maintenance. These insights are essential to a stable process and to optimally use the machines/installations.

Predictive maintenance

Condition Monitoring is of great support to predictive maintenance. It shows exactly when a machine needs replacement or is in need of maintenance. Predictive maintenance is very efficient compared to preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance can cause unnecessary replacement of costly machines, whereas predictive maintenance ensures optimal use of machines during their lifespan.


Read our brochure to read more about our vibration monitoring services (condition monitoring). The brochure also describes the different forms of condition monitoring programs to help you choosing the right strategy.

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