Benefits and challenges of periodic and continuous vibration monitoring

Vibration monitoring plays a critical role in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of rotating machinery. Maintenance engineers and managers can implement periodic and continuous vibration measurements to optimize maintenance strategies. This article outlines the benefits and limitations of both approaches and explains why continuous measurements may be more accessible than expected.

Periodic vibration measurements

Periodic (or route-based) vibration measurements involve scheduled data collection at predefined intervals, typically using portable equipment. A technician or engineer collects vibration data from machinery at weekly, monthly, or quarterly intervals, depending on the criticality of the asset.

For periodic measurements, there are multiple options, such as using a portable data collector, a portable multichannel analyser, or measurement setups where data is collected continuously but analysed periodically.


  • Lower upfront cost: Requires minimal initial investment in equipment. No need for permanent sensor installations.
  • Flexible implementation: Can be applied to a wide range of machinery without major modifications.
  • Sufficient for non-critical assets: Works well for machines that do not require real-time monitoring or those with slower failure progression.
  • Remote monitoring capability: Data can be collected continuously, with analysis performed at scheduled intervals, reducing the need for manual inspections in hazardous or hard-to-reach locations.


  • Higher operational costs: Manual data collection increases labor costs and may disrupt operations depending on scheduling and accessibility.
  • Risk of missing early-stage failures: If a fault develops between analysis intervals, it may go undetected until the next inspection.
  • Limited predictive capability: Periodic measurements support predictive maintenance but are limited as they capture data at fixed intervals.
  • Accessibility challenges: Some machines are difficult to reach due to extreme temperatures, hazardous environments, or positioning.
  • Potential for human error: Inconsistent techniques, sensor placement, and environmental factors can impact data reliability.

Continuous vibration measurements

Continuous monitoring requires permanently installed sensors to collect and analyse vibration data in real-time. This approach is typically implemented on critical assets such as turbines, compressors, and generators.

For continuous measurements, there are multiple options, such as using a VM600 rack or a VSV300.


  • Real-time fault detection: Provides immediate alerts when vibration levels exceed predefined thresholds, allowing for proactive maintenance.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Enables advanced trend analysis, condition-based maintenance, and root-cause identification.
  • Improved reliability and safety: Reduces the likelihood of catastrophic failures by detecting issues at an early stage.


  • Higher initial investment: Requires permanent sensors, data acquisition systems, and possibly additional storage solutions such as cloud or on-site analytics software/platforms to handle the major data volume.
  • More complex implementation: Installation and calibration must be carefully managed to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  • High infrastructure impact: Requires sensors, cabling, instrumentation cabinets, and integration with existing systems, adding complexity and costs.

Continuous measurements expanding beyond critical machinery

A growing trend in industrial maintenance is the adoption of continuous measurements beyond just critical machinery. Companies are increasingly applying this approach to less critical assets like pumps and fans, driven by advancements in cost-effective monitoring and a shift away from run-to-failure strategies. Proactive maintenance is becoming the standard, aligning with sustainability goals and improving overall reliability.

To support this shift, the upcoming VibSys system offers an affordable solution for broader implementation, making continuous monitoring accessible even for less critical machines.

Choosing the right approach

The decision between periodic and continuous vibration measurements depends on several factors:

FactorPeriodic MeasurementContinuous Measurement
Asset criticalitySuitable for less-critical or redundant machineryEssential for critical, high-value assets
Failure progression speedWorks for slow-developing faultsNecessary for fast-developing faults
BudgetLower initial investment but higher potential maintenance costsHigher initial investment but cost-effective in the long run
Maintenance strategyEnables a minimal form of predictive maintenanceEnables condition-based and predictive maintenance

For many plants, the optimal strategy involves a hybrid approach. Non-critical machinery can rely on periodic measurements, while critical assets are equipped with continuous monitoring. With advancements in products like VibSys, continuous monitoring is becoming more accessible, enabling even less critical machines to benefit from improved reliability and proactive maintenance.

More information about VibSys »

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