Differential pressure transmitter – DE58
The DE58 from Fischer is ideal for pressure measurements of neutral gases and liquids and can be used, for example, as a level meter. It has a measurement range between 0..160 and 0..600 mbar. The instrument is equipped with two relay contacts as standard and can be supplied with or without a 4-20 mA output.
Inside the DE58 is a diaphragm mechanism suitable for underpressure, overpressure, and differential pressure. The pressure difference causes the spring-mounted diaphragm to move. When there is no pressure difference, the diaphragm remains in its resting position. The movement of the diaphragm is converted into an electrical signal via an inductive displacement transducer linked to a cam attached to the diaphragm. The signal is processed by the instrument’s electronics and directed to the LED display, the relays, and the analog output.