IST-101 Simulator voor turbine overspeed

Frequency Generator – IST-101

Simulate speed signals to verify speed monitoring- and protection systems

In a number of situations determining functionality of speed monitoring- and protection systems in the field is required, for example to check over- or underspeed functionality on a 2oo3 speed measuring system. The standard available function generators do not allow a 3 channel control of all function regarding overspeed, underspeed, speed acceleration. The compact three channel battery powered speed calibrator has been build based on the input from field service engineers and for its purpose it is truly one of the most easy to use and complete field service instruments in the field.


  • 3 channel frequency generator
  • All 3 channels are independent adjustable for frequency, amplitude, offset and phase
  • Sweep function
  • Loop current monitor

Test functions

  • Over speed, 1oo1, 2oo2, 3oo3, 1oo2, 2oo3, 3oo3
  • Under speed, 1oo1, 2oo2, 3oo3, 1oo2, 2oo3, 3oo3
  • Zero speed, 1oo1, 2oo2, 3oo3, 1oo2, 2oo3, 3oo3
  • Loop okay function, 1oo1, 2oo2, 3oo3, 1oo2, 2oo3, 3oo3
  • Sensor okay (current monitoring per channel).
  • Reverse rotation / Forward rotation
  • Acceleration (speed)

IST-101 probe adapter

The IST-101 probe adapter works as a three channel digital pole wheel; it simulates a signal for the speed probes. The adapter offers the user the opportunity to test the complete loop including the sensors in a very efficient way. The universal mounting bracket supports different types and sizes of sensors and is easy to use.

Do you have a question? Get in touch with one of our experts.

Koos Hemmes
  • Consultancy Rotating Equipment, SIL, ATEX

In brief:


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